Signing Solutions Trusted By All

TRUESignerR Credentials

This is an Academic Credentials Gateway trusted by universities and colleges to issue official transcripts, certificates, verification reports and send them to destination universities and evaluation agencies. Over 3000 universities and a large number of evaluation agencies around the world accept the credentials sent via TRUECOPY.

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TRUESigner-Credentials- online contract signing service
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It Works

  • Universities get their Credentials Management account on TRUECOPY and an application link to embed on their website.
  • Students apply for their transcripts and other credentials using this link on the University’s website.
  • Student applications are approved by the Controller of Examinations / Registrar and the official credentials issued by the University are stored in the system.
  • Students receive a link to select the destinations where they would like to send their transcripts and other credentials.
  • The official credentials stored in the system are delivered securely and directly to the selected destinations electronically.


  • Eliminates manual process of paper based transcripts.
  • Students can apply from anywhere and at anytime. They do not need to visit their University to apply for official copies.
  • Faster delivery of the official electronic credentials to destinations world-wide.
  • Costs lesser than the traditional paper based transcripts.
  • Applicant analytics and insights available via graphical reports to the University.
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Use Case

Universities looking to digitize their transcripts issuance process find this to be a perfect solution. Students applying for higher education in North America or Europe find this system easy to use. Individuals wanting to get their ECA done for the purpose of immigration can apply via the system as well. Universities looking to receive verified electronic credentials of their applicants can also sign up to join TRUECOPY’s receiver network.