Real estate and construction Industry
Building Futures, Sealing Deals: Elevate Efficiency with Digital Signatures in Real Estate and Construction.
Accelerating the lengthy paperwork in real estate transactions ensures quicker revenues and significant time and effort saved. Truecopy’s electronic signature provides a swift and efficient method for real estate brokers, agents, buyers, and sellers to authorize a sale and facilitate deals without compromising convenience.

Use cases
– eSignature users have the capability to sign sales agreements online, accelerating deal closures in a matter of hours and minutes, a notable shift from the traditional weeks and days often needed, even for contracts requiring multiple signatures.
– Vendor onboarding documents like vendors’ PAN and Aadhaar can be attached and signed using TRUESigner ONE platform.
- Create and save unlimited workflows involving multiple signatories for subsequent reuse.
- Unlimited documents per user.
- Seamless e-stamping on contracts.
- Save time and effort by using editable templates.
- Cost-cutting is a pivotal aspect of digital signature technology. Effectively implemented, it eliminates the need for paper, ink, printers, scanners, and courier expenses in the workplace.
